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An Etiquette Education for Kids

Zakiyyah Shakir

Etiquette becomes second nature when a child is taught earlier in life the proper social skills and why they are important. At Peerless Etiquette we have parents who have been bringing their children to us since they were 5 years old, and continue to do so well into they are teenagers. Our lessons grow with the child over time to ensure they are completely comfortable with the social etiquette at every stage in life.

Children who partake in Peerless Etiquette courses also have parents who partake in etiquette and image development courses with us. Many of the parents tell us that they wish they would've learned proper etiquette and social graces earlier in life, how an education such as formal dining etiquette, conversation skills, and social decorum could have potentially opened doors of opportunity much sooner. When parents reflect on the many situations and problems they faced time and time again by sheer ignorance to tact and diplomacy they admit, their children learning these skills early in life is a priority.

Peerless Etiquette is the only etiquette program who has made etiquette age appropriate and fun for children. My daughter adores the lessons and have begun teaching her friends at school. - Monica Butler

Etiquette is another way to empower our children with the skills that will make them more confident and well rounded individuals in a world that breeds insecurity. At Peerless Etiquette it's less about fanciful behavior and pretentiousness and more about teaching children how to become the best version of themselves and build a solid foundation of character, compassion, grace, and integrity to enjoy mutually respectful relationships.

Classes are taught virtually as well as in person booked through parents for children's parties and play dates, to in school lessons when parents partner with schools on our behalf. We offer lessons for Summer School Programs, Mentoring Programs and after school programs in public and private schools, classes are not director focused they are focused on the child. We encourage children to practice what they learn right away. Most classes end with all children receiving a certificate or ribbon for their participation.

To book a course, partner with Peerless Etiquette or get certified as an Independent Peerless Etiquette Youth Consultant contact us today.



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