At Peerless Etiquette we temper our thoughts and ideals by having conversations with others
to expand our perspective and inspire everyone to live a life of grace and kindness. Today we
had the pleasure of interviewing Mrs. Tia Louima an actress and youth youth instructor. We hope
her words will motivate you to live life with more kindness empowered with the gift of civility and
the wisdom of proper etiquette.
Tell us a little about yourself, include three accomplishments that you are proud
of...As a little girl, I just knew I wanted to perform whether it be acting, dancing, singing or
anything of the like. My mom will tell you that I had her in line with all of my stuffed animals and
you better believe they had their tickets in hand or paw. Once I received my Bachelor’s of Fine
Arts with performance concentration from The University of South Florida, I immediately began
my career as a Youth Arts’ Instructor In 2013. I’ve had the pleasure of being employed by three
phenomenal studios, while continuing my career in the industry as a commercial model and
actress, as well as theater and film actress. I have even had the chance to work with a few of
my former students on set and they always impress the production teams. In that time, I’ve been
raising two beautiful daughters with my high school sweetheart, exploring all things homemade
in the kitchen, and forging my path in this world.
How did kindness and good character help you succeed...Your reputation, or your
name, in this industry and really, life, plays a very important role. If you’re in class and your
instructor is rude and behaves in a way that deters from the subject, then you’re going to
associate negative feelings with the instructor and that subject. If you’re on set and you treat
your castmates or production crew poorly, chances are you won’t be booked again, at least by
that production company. I try to bring love and light to every position I take on. I fall short
sometimes, but kindness and good character truly determine the lifestyle you live. By doing this,
I’ve been able to keep lasting relationships with professionals in every industry I’ve had a
position in. Creating those relationships has led to multiple roles in short films, web series,
commercials and more. Keeping your ego in check and leading with kindness will get you to
where you want to be.
Why is character and integrity so important in your work...When working in the
entertainment industry, you’re met with a lot of unethical and negative people. You also meet
wonderful, light-hearted, and creative souls who inspire you to evolve. My actions today have
direct consequences on my career. If I handle myself with integrity, I’ll be able to not only uphold
the standards set by the industry, but I’ll be remembered as someone that is a professional on
and off the set. As a youth instructor, I am ultimately an influence amongst young minds that are
forging their path in an industry that can easily blackball anyone who is difficult to work with. I
strive to live my life in a way that I can be proud of inside the public eye, and out.
In your opinion, what are three positive character traits a person must develop, or
possess to be successful in life... Integrity is something we are all tested on, in one way or
another. Your morals, honesty, and consistency can help you soar to new levels of success.
Responsibility and Accountability are two other very important aspects to your character that
create a sense of who you are as a person. Responsibility involves being reliable and
dependable. If you accept a role, put in the work to fulfill your commitment. Accountability is
being able to own up to the consequences, good or bad, of your commitment. You are able to
acknowledge your part in the consequences and grow from that.
Who is someone living or deceased that you feel embodies/embodied outstanding
etiquette... My grandmother, Balla, is someone that has always been such an amazing
example of what it means to embody outstanding etiquette. As graduating seniors, we were not
allowed to even spend our graduation money without sending out our “Thank you” cards. If she
meets you, you’re getting a birthday, anniversary, get-well card that is personalized and
designed just for you! Her time management skills are superb. She is on time, and I mean 30-40
minutes early, on time for almost everything. She is kind and caring, always well put together,
and has such a respectful demeanor. I am, of course, biased, but her love for those she comes
into contact with shines through their encounters with her.
Tell us about a time someone was kind to you and how it made you feel... With the
pandemic, it’s been quite a rollercoaster in every aspect. I made an investment in my acting
career and paid for a class to continue my education with a reputable coach. Unfortunately, life
hit me where I least expected it and I needed that money. Long story short, I was unable to get a
refund and was able to take the class. It was worth it! God doesn’t make mistakes. Fast forward
to the end of the class and I am explaining to Coach via email how grateful I am to have had
that opportunity and that I would be back once things are just a bit more settled. He offered me
the Level 2 class for free after praying on it. Kindness has a way of showing up in small or huge
ways and everything in between. We are not as divided as it seems.
If you could give a young person one word of advice when it comes to etiquette, and the
importance of developing social skills; what would it be... Who you are matters and that
encompasses a lot of factors in your life. At the simplest level, developing etiquette and social
skills will help cultivate a rich and loving lifestyle. Being respectable, responsible, and
accountable will open more doors than you’ll ever imagine.
Share one book recommendation that changed your life for the better... Option B by Sheryl
Sandberg and Adam Grant. It starts off with the sudden death of her husband while on vacation
and takes you on a journey to remember. Even the tagline had me completely immersed before
even opening it: Facing Adversity, Building Resilience, and Finding Joy. I’ve not experienced
death so close to the heart, but I have had my share of moments of darkness. While we are not
guaranteed anything, we have the choice to persevere through our obstacles. I hope you find
your joy!
Share a few words of wisdom about why human kindness is so important... Lead with love
and light which will help with respecting others, being considerate of others, while being able to
understand and adhere to any setting and its rules.