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Youth Etiquette Essentials

Zakiyyah Shakir

Our youth etiquette workshops provide hands-on training, where your young adult will learn to take pride in their appearance, how to dine with anyone, and proper communication etiquette.

Over the past 20 years the use of technology, in particular smart phones, has significantly changed the way we interact with each other. Used to communicating through screens, teenagers are losing the art of face to face communication.  Each participant will receive a Certificate to confirm his or her completion of the Youth Etiquette Essentials.

Our Youth Etiquette Essentials program are designed to give young ladies and men aged 12-19 years a sense of confidence in the way they move, feel, communicate and present themselves. We break down the code of manners bit by bit to offer specific strategies to assist your teenager to become the best version of themselves. We help to elevate their personal image by assisting them to gain confidence in themselves and developing their leadership skills. At Poise and Punctilio we believe that if teenagers are taught how to develop into independent, respectful and motivated adults they are on the road to success.

What is etiquette?

First off we’ll chat about why we’re here? Why do we need a set of rules to live by, and what would happen if we didn’t?

First impressions – making a favorable first and lasting impression

Impressions are formed instantly, almost the moment we lay eyes on someone. We’ll show your young adult how to make a great first impression on everyone they meet.

Conversation Etiquette

Teenagers are often awkward when it comes to conversation. We’ll show them strategies that make the art of conversation easy.

Positive posture and body language

We’ll demonstrate the immense positives of standing and sitting with poise. In a practical session, your young adult will learn how to stand tall, so that he or she can enter every room exuding polish and confidence. We will also discuss posture whilst using screens.

Grooming, hygiene and dressing appropriately

We’ll teach your teen the basics of skincare, grooming and hygiene – how the way we present ourselves plays an important part in others’ assessment of us.

Voice and articulation

Your young adult will learn how to use their voice most effectively to be heard, understood and to sound interesting to others. Mumbling becomes a thing of the past!


How to correctly and confidently introduce yourself and groups of people to others.

Social media etiquette

Handy do’s and don’ts in managing all forms of social media using appropriate content and language. Being mindful of how your posts might make other’s feel. We’ll look at how you are building your personal image footprint with every post you make.

Table etiquette

The do’s and don’ts for all types of dining (a hands-on class at the dinner table). This will give your teen the life-long skill of being able to dine anywhere, with anyone.

What do our Teenage Etiquette Workshops look like?

Our workshops are conducted in small groups. Each young adult receives personalized feedback throughout the day and plenty of chances to practice the skills being taught.

The sessions are fun, fast paced and interactive. Morning tea and bottled water is provided. A short lunch break allows time to relax and re-charge. Attendees are asked to bring a packed lunch.

All of our Teen workshops are run as a one-day workshop during school holidays.

Each Teen attending the workshop will receive a personalized Certificate of Achievement.

The schedule for the day is as follows:

10:00 – 10:30am    first impressions, introductions, handshakes and greetings

10:30 – 11:00am    positive posture and body language

11:00 – 11:30am    conversation etiquette, everyday manners

11:30 – 12:30pm   grooming, skincare, hygiene, dressing appropriately, wardrobe

12:30 – 1:00pm     lunch

1:30 – 2:00pm       voice and articulation / social media etiquette

2:00 – 3:00pm       table and dining etiquette

For more information email us at inquire@poiseandpunctilio



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